I've loved every minute of this 5 week tour with my BS&T Brothers. But I got all washed up in the culture and the beauty of this Island in Hawaii and it's people. I hope we get invited back so I can bring Caroline & the kids... I don't know if this Island is ready for Ean and Merrin at the same time, but we'll give it a go!

Adam Klipple our keyboardist killed it last night and we've enjoyed having him in the band the short time he's been here. He's also been helping me with my Yoga and workout routine while we've been out on this tour. It's helped my back and stomach issues tremendously and I'm feeling much better than I have in 2 years. Great work Adam, you kicking tail and taking names my friend.

Dylan Elise is such an amazing talent and we've grown close over the past 2 years working with one another out here doing shows both with BS&T and he and Ric joined me on the few Bo Bice gigs I played last year. Dylan is always on point and works hard at making these drums look so simple. His solo in SMILING PHASES kills it every night and I had the best seat in the house for his solo last night here in Hawaii @ The Blue Note Honolulu, He gets last nights MVP for sure... But he's awesome every night... That means he'll have to share his VIP status on last nights show because the band was on fire!!

Mark Miller is a monster on the Trombone and his solo last night was outta sight! He's also a kind, humble and generous soul who lets his music do the talking, he's the quiet one in the group, that is until he takes the stage to tear it down with his incredible talent who brings so much to the show each night. Great work last night Mark!!

A wonderful young lady name Kristen brought a batch of Biscuits & Gravy over to us BS&T boys and we ate every bit!! She and I struck up a conversation night before last about how we love southern food and it just so happened she had a SOUTHERN STYLE RESTAURANT here in Honolulu for a while. She surprised me when she came by between sets to deliver some good ole southern cooking. I'm very grateful for the kindness you showed to me and the other fellas Kristen and I'll always remember you and your generosity.

BS&T even got to add another gold record to our collection. The Blue Note had us sign this one for the wall of fame that is in the green room at the venue, I always wondered if I'd get another gold record during my tenure with BS&T... This will have to do for now I guess. What a kind gesture to have them add us to the wall with so many others artists who are legends. Thanks Blue Note!

My Brother from another Dylan Elise has been a blessing in my family's life and mine out here on the road. He is the best drummer that I've shared the stage with since Idol when Mr. Teddy Campbell was behind the kit tearing it up!! I love all my BS&T Brothers, But Ric, Dylan and I have a special bond and I hope our work relationship and brotherly bond lasts all my life. My Dad has always told me that "When you get older you'll be able to count your true friend on one hand and still have fingers left to use." I've filled up one hand already between Larry our manager, Dylan, Ric, and my close friend back in GA Tony Gilmore, John Beard & Don Muzquiz... See I'm starting to use my other hand now to count my true friends who help to keep me sane out here on the road and the few I have back home keeping me in line when I'm resting up for the next run. 
I'm a blessed man and I don't take it for granted. The kids are as excited about seeing Mr. Larry & Jo, "Superman" (Dylan) and "Crazy Uncle Ric" (Ric) as they are to see the old man next week at Disney, it doesn't bother me one bit! because I love these folks too and It's hard to find (and keep) good friends you can trust in this BS filled business full of snake oil salesman that is the music/entertainment business. I've found that out the hard way by getting lied to, used and tossed out by so many other "FRIENDS", it just took taking off the blinders to get a better view of who to really trust and allow into my inner sanctum. I've found good friends now who don't want anything from me but friendship. And that is better than the Gold Records and tarnished trophies of my past.
Only 2 shows left tonight folks! Same place THE BLUE NOTE HONOLULU, same time 6:30pm/9pm and you don't want to miss them if you are in Honolulu. And if you've joined BS&T for any of the shows during this leg of our World Tour 2017 JAKARTA/AUSTRALIA/HAWAII please drop me an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and send some pics and comments on how you think the BS&T shows went, I'd love to get your feedback!
Peace, Love & Prayers to you all!