I enjoyed the #WorldGames2022 opening ceremonies with the other artists who I was able to share this special stage with. It’s time to prepare for the closing ceremonies this weekend in Birmingham where the full cast of #HopeOfAlabam will all share the stage to sing the song together as one.
We will also be performing a Bo Bice original song titled ‘Coming Back Home’ with the orchestra. It has been amazing to perfor with the UAB orchestra, who each time a share the stage with has always been an honor. Let’s go #UAB #Blazers
I’m humbled again to be an extremely small part in such a Hugh event that showcases our State, City and overall our Country hosting the World Games 2022 in Birmingham, Alabama. Thank you Dr Panion and #UAB for the invitation.
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana
I’m enjoying myself immensely down here in #hrhcpuntacana at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana where the sun shines even when the stars are out dancing around.
My fellow #AmericanIdol alumni and I had a packed week of rehearsals before we flew home to prepare for this amazing run of shows. Now we are back in #DominicanRepublic and ready to #HardRock the summer away with our friends and families in Punta Cana. There are 4 more weeks of shows left and it’s not to late to join in the fun folks.
Photo provided by:
Jordan Hampton Photography
It was a pleasure to spend time with the WFLA News Channel 8 #Daytime team in #Tampa this week

Invisible Movie

The entire team at #WFLA #Daytime was spectacular!!
I had a great time with Jerry Penacoli as his co-host filling-in for Cyndi. I flubbed a few here and there, gave enough fuel for gaff-reel on my co-host debut, Jerry was kind, encouraging and very helpful as I gave my TelePrompTer skills a whirl on the other side of the interview couch.
Thank you so much for all of you hospitality Jerry and Daytime team, I enjoyed the opportunity to co-host and spend time with the Tampa team.
Austin Testa, keep up the great work with “Every Bark Counts” and thank you for the gift my friend. Art, Ian, thank you for letting me sit-in on the Bro-Chat, I learned much!!
Tune in to Daytime today and tomorrow to see BB helping Jerry get your Day started.
Bo's Extravaganza

September Sets
Last night our Son Caleb was sworn in as class President of 4-H at his 1st ever meeting. I was so very excited and proud of CJ for his achievement in obtaining the position, he really had to come out of his shell to run and it took getting over a few hurdles for him to make that division. Caroline and I are beaming with pride over his ability to conquer his fears and take on new challenges in life that feel a bit scary. Caleb is one step closer to running this show, he's making a power-play for dominance and I've got an eye on that little monster. All kidding aside CJ, WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! Congrats Mr. President.
Feet on solid ground once again I tumble into the reality that my oldest boy is 12 YEARS OLD!!!!! I feel so ancient. Caroline, the kids, Nana & Papa w/Alexis & Piper celebrated with us at the house this year and Nana & Papa took home prize for best gift I think. A RED RIDER BB GUN ("YOU'LL SHOOT YOUR EYE OUT KID.") with all the fix-ins' to boot. We all had a blast together with family and spent the day shooting the bull and targets!! Happy Birthday Aidi-Bug!!
I've recieved so many cool shot at my email
When people ask me where I live my reply is often "35,000 FEET." and that gets confusing looks every time. Then it hits then that my Puny answer is in reference to our travel schedule. It's is really a certain breed of folks that love the grueling hours, crazy sleep patterns & accommodations, time away from the ones you love. We will cross God's creation to stand on stage for a crowd and perform our music. That's why I enjoy my job so much folks, my BS&T Brothers are top notch and we all have a great respect for one another and each others talents. This band isn't a one man show in any way what so ever, we are a team and a family who are blessed to have the opportunities we share.
Great show in Joliet, IN Fellas.
After I returned from travels and planted my digits for a few days at home with Caroline and the Kiddos I jumped aboard the "Journey" to help my friend Jeff Hay and his family by opening up the golf event JEFF HAY'S JOURNEY with the National Anthem on OCT, 9TH in COVINGTON, GA. If you'd like to join us we would love to have you, if you can donate online or would like to attend and bid on auction items it is always greatly appreciated. After the Anthem I'll be riding around heckling the other golfers. I have a Dr. excuse, can't play because the scorecard makes me break out in a rash of anger. Many a club has been broken throughout my career in golf. To quote a friend of mine and fellow BS&T'ER "It's hard to watch a good man go down like that." I retired from the game long ago and now ALL CLUBS are safe from BB. We are looking forward to seeing you there, Shotgun Start at NOON!!
While I was in Ontario my friend and Co-Producer Staci Wilson visited me for a FACEBOOK LIVE chat about the project we are working on together with Studio South called "THE VENTURES MOVIE". If you'd like to visit FaceBook "BoBiceOfficial" you can check out the entire unedited video, plus I'll have an edited version on my Youtube channel coming up ASAP. Staci and I covered a lot of bases in the FBL event and we are still answering questions about the project and more on our pages and at The Ventures Movie FB page as well. Great job Staci!
Then we made our way over to the other-side of the Continental Breakfasts to another Ontario. California that is... Swimming Pools and... Ah, you know the rest. We always have such a great response in California, from the crowds to the reception of production team & crew. That is why I always try to remember to send a shout out from the stage to the ones who provide us a platform, lights, sound and production so we can play rockstar for 90 minutes a night for the audience. Kudos to all!!
MY BS&T Brothers & I have been from Ontario, CANADA to Ontario, California in the past month kicking tail and taking names... We don't really keep a log of names in a database of all attendees, that would be Orwellian!! OR DO WE?? Seriously though, our neighbors to the north were so very accommodating and we gave'em all that we got ladies and gents!! Rick Derringer opened up for us and the show was really great, full of hits and what an awesome guitarist Rick. LOVED IT!
I also wanted to remind all of you Facebook folks out there in inter-world that Staci Wilson and I will be doing a Facebook Live event to discuss the upcoming project on the iconic "Surf Music Pioneers" THE VENTURES. We know you have questions about the movie, the artists and individuals involved, a million things to chat about when it comes to this Juggernaut Instrumental group who shaped the music of 6 generations and made it's mark on Americana music. Help us celebrate The Ventures 60th and check out what we have in store for 2017 and beyond.
Yesterday I officially agreed to join my friend Ruben Studdard and Jennifer Holliday along with The Temptations Review to celebrate the 200th Bicentennial of our beautiful home city Birmingham Alabama. It's an honor to be invited to join such talented and wonderful artists who've done so much for our home state of Alabama, I grateful to the Orchestra and Dr. Henry Panion for all their hard work. It'll be an event you won't want to miss, join us 8pm, October, 27 at The Lyric Theatre in Birmingham, AL.
Since school was out all week due to storm damage around our community Caroline and I had to be clever in out choice of activities. Once the initial clean-up was done we took everyone to Chic-Fillet and then for a round of bowling. We enjoyed a fun game (CAROLINE WON) spending time with each other OUTSIDE OF THE HOME. We also took time to remember the attack on our country 16 years ago on 911. That beautiful American flag you see received a proud salute from each one of the Bice family and we said a pray for the ones we lost and the ones who died protecting our way of life.
Our power was out for almost 2 days, we were the lucky ones! Our neighbors power was out for an entire day longer than us, we felt bad hearing their generator still running while we were already back to life as usual. Well, not as usual. There aren't normally 3 trees down in the yard and debris all over the property! I'm down to only one tree to clean up today before I turn into Bo Bice for the weekend and head out to do a show.
Then we all got hit with Hurricane Irma. This is a tragedy that we couldn't predict the magnitude of at all, incredible loss of property and devastating damage to the entire state of Florida and into Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama. We have had all of you who lost so much in our prayers, the families devastated by Hurricane's Hervey & Irma are in each of our hearts and we haven't forgotten you just because the storms are over. I have been personally touched by these two storms through family and friend that were displaced and have lost livelihood, homes, businesses and more. I love each of you and we will do whatever it takes to make sure that we get our fellow Americans back on their feet.
We lost our friend Troy Gentry on September, 8th in a helicopter crash that was said to be caused by engine failure. Troy was a wonderful man, father and husband. I played several shows with Montgomery Gentry over the past decade plus and they were always good to their fans, their country and the military service members around the world. Our prayers go out to his family, fans and friends. Country music lost a bright star, thank you for lending him to us Lord.
Till we meet again TG.
Caroline and my friends Tony and Ivy took our families to the Native American Festival in Jackson, GA for a day of culture and education last weekend. We all enjoyed the dancing, music, food and look back into the world that our native ancestors once inhabited through reenactments of rituals and celebrations. I'll be doing a youtube video on our day out next week so you can all see some of the cool things we did and experienced.
It was Nana's Birthday on the 6th of September and we really rocked the house!! I'm not going to tell you all how old she is because that's just rude and very tasteless. I'll give you a hint though!! it rhymes with ixty-ee..... I'll let that sink in.... Did you figure out the riddle?? I know there is a penance to be paid for my torture of my dear Mother over the past 42 years. BUT IT'LL BE WORTH IT!! (Where is an emoji when you need one?)
BIG E decided he wants to join The Cub Scouts, Dad was there to make it happen! It gives Ean and I chance once a week to hang out one on one together at meetings and opens up opportunities to camp, fish, be outdoors and help your community. We are both into all of the above so I think E made a great choice on this one. When I asked him why he wanted to join he said "Because Scouts teach you about honor and being a good citizen." That's our EAN!!
HEAR ONE, HEAR ALL!! I ANNOUNCE THE NEW 4-H PRESIDENT CALEB BICE!! We are so proud that Caleb took it upon himself to run for 4-H Pres. We didn't even know that he was ding it until he came home and asked me to help him make a campaign poster for his classroom, so I whipped this little sucker up for him and he posted them up on the walls like a champ!! Great work C.J.!! Mom and Dad are very proud of you Son.
The Pocano's are beautiful no matter what time of year you head to PA. BS&T were there to shake the trees at the Mount Airy Casino & Resort! The venue was laid out well and there wasn't a bad seat in the packed house we had that night. I like when you have a clear view of the crowd and everyone gets a nice view of the stage and we performers get a great view of our spectators on the other-side of the music. Cool Venue, Crew & Staff. Thank you for having us!
My friends and I always have fun doing what we love to do each night folks, but they blew them away in AZ. The crowd of diehard Blood, Sweat & Tears fans I've met over the years in the band have always been amazing to watch from the stage. People know every word and sing along to each on like they are the one on stage belting it out, I LOVE IT!! Especially when we catch someone really tearing into it and we do a stop they weren't expecting. They are out there all alone and giving it their all!! It makes my gig very exciting and enjoyable for sure.