

BS&T was in Visalia, CA last Sat. to raise money for "HANDS IN THE COMMUNITY" organization that helps people in the community by offering volunteers to help with different issues that their citizens experience but may not have the access to the funds to fix the problems at hand. We had one heck of a night and the crowd was AWESOME!!!!


We always have fun onstage performing from this amazing catalog of music each night. We are truly a "BAND OF BROTHERS" and a team of players who always leave everything out on the stage every night. Now that I have the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. email I've been getting more cool show shots than ever!!!! Kacey Lessley snapped a few shots of me on stage and I did some photoshop magic to them and turned 2 photos into 1. Thank you for sending the photos over to my email Kacey and for being a true BB/BS&T fan, we couldn't do it without you young lady. Here is an autographed copy of the photo I touched up, I appreciate you sending it over to me.



After I got back to GA and spent some down time with my family and work on some new music, I got a surprise invitation to head over to Greenville, SC from my friend Bert Hesse who heads up the entertainment production company STUDIO SOUTH in CA. Bert was kind enough to introduce me to Mrs. Vivian A. Wong and her team who gave me a tour of their incredible facility and was nice enough to take time out of their busy schedule to met with me about some interesting projects they are working on. I look forward to bringing Caroline & The Kids to Greenville for a visit with them all again once I return from Germany & Norway in a few weeks. Thank you Mrs. Wong & Bert for having me and I can't wait till we do it again!!  





I got this email from a young lady I met on a flight a while back, her and I share a common thread (MARINE CORPS) in our families and I wanted to share a very special honor her son Corporal Jeron Richard for his special duties yesterday in France. Thank you for sharing and reaching out to me on my email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Carla. SEMPER FI!!!

“Hey Bo! So our flight from Lake Charles to Houston was a good one. I enjoyed our visit. Hope the family is well and you enjoyed your time at home. The Bahamas trip was absolutely amazing. You need to go! I let you read my sons Navy Achievement papers. I gave him your message. He was beyond excited from the time I said your name until I gave him your message and then some. He was 1 of the 31 Marines chosen to march in the 100th Anniversary Bastille Day Parade in Paris France. It's tomorrow, 7/14. The United States is leading the parade for the first time in history! I so enjoyed meeting/visiting with you! My only regret was not getting a picture with you! Hope to hear from you. You did tell me to "go to and let you know how the Bahamas trip goes". Here's a pic of Jeron at the Embassy in Paris. Carla Gimnich”







The Kongsburg Jazzfest in Kongsburg, Norway and our friend Rolf Bugge who brought us over treated Blood, Sweat & Tears wonderful last week, we won't forget that when we return next month for round 2 of our Norwegian “muzik-fest”. One of the coolest things about BS&T is how open our group is to having guests share the stage with us on certain tours, shows and festivals. This trip we had a guest vocalist  Mr. Ole Børud who is a native son of Norway and he made his country proud with his renditions of his favorite BS&T songs. I always enjoy watching other performers do their thing, especially when they have the chops to back up the incredible catalog of music that BS&T has. Ole is a true talent and meeting his family was a special treat too. He will be with us when we play next  month on Aug,10th  at the Sildajazz Jazz Fest Haugesund, Norway, so come on out and join in the fun




It's been a few months since I've updated or any other form of social media for that matter.  I said I was taking a break from it all for a bit and those of you who know me are aware that when I say I'm going to do something, I follow through with it! I've had many emails sent to my This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. address by friends/fans asking me to start back up over the past 2 months and as I explained to them I took a break from (THE WEB, TV, NEWS, RADIO,ECT) to dedicate to my family, friends and 'THE REAL THING's that count in this life and I'd return once I felt the calling to do so. SO...I'M BACK!! And here is the catch-up session of what's up in my world.

While on hiatus I've still been touring with BS&T ALL OVER THE WORLD (Even did a few more Symphony's), writing new music, recording with my friend and fellow Idol Alumni Jessica Meuse, I got schooled big time by my oldest son Aidan on how to perform 'Vehicle' live, and I'm busy looking for a venue to begin the music school/store I've dreamed of having for decades. So just because I haven't been attached to my DRONE devices and plugged into the web doesn't mean I've disappeared. Part of my absence was due to the fact that I was extremely affected by the loss of one of my musical heroes Gregg Allman, I needed time to digest the the magnitude of the loss our music community has experienced with the passing of Gregg Allman. There will never be another band like The Allman Brothers but BB/BS&T will continue to dedicate our version of Midnight Rider to the group each night we perform our rendition of the song so that the music and memories of those who made us laugh, cry, scream & shout will never be extinguished.  






BS&T loved performing at EPCOT this year for our second year in a row and the Bice Family all had a wonderful trip to the magic Kingdom as I returned from a wild trip around the world in 5 weeks. What better way to get your bearings than to head directly to the "Happiest Place On Earth" when you get back to the U.S. from a grueling tour of Jakarta, Australia, Hawaii. No fear here folks, I just dive right into it full blast!!


I'm here to work, but I have a bit of kid in me too. The "King Pin" hands out Disney pins at certain time of the day in certain parts of the Magic Kingdom and the Bice children found him at our resort just at the right time. This has become a tradition for us in the past 5 years here at Disney with the children, we all look forward to seeing who can collect the coolest pin on their trip. It was a tie this year!


As freaked out as Ean looks in this Pic of us at TEST-TRACK he loved it!! C.J. always loves to go sonic speed and is ready for any roller coaster on earth people, he has always been a dare-devil though. What about GIRLS?? Who said that??


GIRLS TEST TRACK TOO!! I can't leave out Miss Merrin who also braved the speed of TEST-TRACK with the other family members. What a BIG GIRL! We all said that this was the ride we all enjoyed the most on our Disney 2017 trip.


There were many BB/BS&T Fans at the EPCOT SHOWS. It's always a treat to meet the people who have helped to mold you into what you are today. A friend of mine CARIN who was in Chorus class with me at London Central High School brought her daughter out to a show, Ric's best friend and his family showed up for a visit, Suzanne made every show and several of our Peeps shared their photos and stuck around for a shot with me after the show. Thank you all for making our Disney, EPCOT trip 2017 a blast!!


Unfortunately, we lost another long-time BB-FAN our Peep Joyce Armstrong passed away on Easter Sunday. Prayers and love goes out to her husband Tim and son Justin who are dealing with the loss of a mother and wife that was a inspiration and a fighter for her community. We'll miss you Joyce... LOVE, PEACE & PRAYERS.EASTER EGG HUNT 2017

I hope your Easter week was a time with family like mine was Peeps. We celebrate what we have today, because it can all be gone tomorrow. Let's remember that the people placed in our lives are always there for a purpose, sometimes we are a blessing to them and other times we see the gift they've been in our journey too. Faith, Family, Friends... That is what we should cherish most each day we are luck enough to exist on this rock that is hurling through space. Let's enjoy the journey till we reach our destination.



Florence, SC-Disney


I'm not talking thrash about the last 5 weeks on the road in Jakarta/Australia/Hawaii, we enjoyed the trip extremely!! But man is it good to finally be home with the wife and kids again here on the mainland. It wasn't long after we returned from the "Around The World" trip that we hit the road again, only 48hrs to be exact. First stop was in Florence, SC where we performed at the Francis Marion Center. What a great venue and the crowd was loud and proud, they seemed very glad to see BS&T do their thing and we had a blast with them!! I hope we come back again soon.


It was wonderful to have our keyboard player Glenn "GLENNY MAC" McClelland back with us, he had some shows to do with his band WEEN and wasn't abel to make the last run of the tour with us. We sure missed him and all of us are very stoked to have him back with the BS&T Brotherhood where he belongs. It is always nice when our A-Team is together and we are firing on all 12 cylinders, BS&T never allows lightweights into the fold so I never worry about a sub-par subs taking to the stage... But having Glenny Mac back was great for the moral of the band, since we've been through the ringer over the past 5 weeks with crazy travel and lack of rest. Then it was off to DISNEY!!!


On the way to Epcot the kids were able to see Dad for about 30 minutes before I had to get to work. You'd think that after not seeing me for 5 weeks they would want to spend the half an hour I had before turning into Bo Bice for the night to hang with the old man in the room and chill... NOT!! I got to the room and it was time to hit the park, but not before we visited "King Pin" @ the gift shop at Animal Kingdom Lodge. After spending a few minutes with the FAM it was back to work for ole BB and time to hit the stage again!!


So we hit the Disney stage to do our 4 nights with the incredible multi-generational crowds who were so good to us last year that when we received the invite back again for 2017 there was no way we could turn it down. My BS&T Brothers rocked 3 shows last night and we are set to take the stage for 3 more days here to do the same again. If you're at The Magic Kingdom and would like to catch one of the 3, 30 minute sets we are doing then head to The Theatre Of The Americas at Epcot 5:30, 6:45, 8pm and jam out with BB/BS&T. Again, we're glad you're back Glenny Mac!!


As you see Princess Merrin has put Dad to work already this morning painting fingernails. She got the professional makeover yesterday at the Bibbity-Boppity-Boutique, but I had to do the touch-ups on her nails before we hit the park this morning. I guess the rest will happen when we return to GA and I can sleep ing my own bed for a few night... Who am I kidding?? I'll sleep when I'm dead!! Let's Wash, Rinse, Repeat for the next 3 days Disney!!




It's been fun Honolulu Hawaii!! BS&T promised we would leave the Island in the same condition as when we arrived... Mission Accomplished! After 4 nights at The Blue Note we are finding it hard to leave this beautiful paradise and get back home to the main land. But after 5 weeks away from home I think Caroline and the kids might even miss the old man a little bit. So we say Aloha, Ma halo, A Hui Kaua. 


I left our friends at The Blue Note a gift to remember me by. I wore this hat the entire time I was on the beach and sight seeing on the Island and I thought it would make a nice offering of good will and appreciation to this amazing venue and its staff here in Honolulu. We were well taken care of and from what I've heard the locals thought we were a hit and would love to have us back again next year as well. You won't have to twist my arm to get me back folks!!


I wanted to give a shout out to the BS&T Crew who were with us throughout the past 5 weeks on the road. They show up before we do, set our gear up, put up with us throughout the day, work during the show, then pack everything up and are the last to leave once we are already back in our hotel room getting ready for bed. Dustin our monitor guru, Smick front of house, Kev (little Smick) stage tech, have all worked extremely hard to make this run a success and the BS&T Brotherhood is very grateful for everything they do for us.


Also Beth (Dustin's Wife) joined us in Hawaii and ran the light show so we always looked our best and on top of our game. I hung out with Dustin & Beth a lot this trip and we became close friends over this short time in paradise. Thanks for letting me cramp your style you two love birds, and thanks for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory last night to close out this run.


We were never "BOARD" while here on the Island, I was honored to be asked to sign the "HEADLINER BOARD" that The Blue Note keeps in the dressing room. There are some very big names who've put their John Hancock on this sucker folks and I am proud to have added my name to the bunch. A HUI HO! Till we meet again.

Bo Brad

Our MVP for last nights show is our Music Director Brad Mason. He plays trumpet and babysits a group of full grown men who are out on the road jamming together and having fun. Brad is one of the best MD's I've had the pleasure to work with and is a wonderful spirit as well as one awesome horn player too! Thanks for all you do Brad, we're all very glad to have you at the helm sir.


It was hard to stay focused on work when your work is having fun every night of the week. The hospitality shown by the staff and crew at The Blue Note was unmatched on this 5 week run. I really hope we do get the chance to com back again and perform here at this cool venue and enjoy the culture of this wonderful Island and it's hospitable community. We will never forget how well you all treated BS&T and are ready to jam when we get the call.


And so we take a bow and head back to the mainland for 2 days off, then it's off to South Carolina, then Walt Disney in Orlando for 3 days of shows. I better rest up because Caroline and the kids are already there and tearing up the park today while the old man is making his way back to ATL. It was fun Hawaii!! 






I've loved every minute of this 5 week tour with my BS&T Brothers. But I got all washed up in the culture and the beauty of this Island in Hawaii and it's people. I hope we get invited back so I can bring Caroline & the kids... I don't know if this Island is ready for Ean and Merrin at the same time, but we'll give it a go!


Adam Klipple our keyboardist killed it last night and we've enjoyed having him in the band the short time he's been here. He's also been helping me with my Yoga and workout routine while we've been out on this tour. It's helped my back and stomach issues tremendously and I'm feeling much better than I have in 2 years. Great work Adam, you kicking tail and taking names my friend.


Dylan Elise is such an amazing talent and we've grown close over the past 2 years working with one another out here doing shows both with BS&T and he and Ric joined me on the few Bo Bice gigs I played last year. Dylan is always on point and works hard at making these drums look so simple. His solo in SMILING PHASES kills it every night and I had the best seat in the house for his solo last night here in Hawaii @ The Blue Note Honolulu, He gets last nights MVP for sure... But he's awesome every night... That means he'll have to share his VIP status on last nights show because the band was on fire!!


Mark Miller is a monster on the Trombone and his solo last night was outta sight! He's also a kind, humble and generous soul who lets his music do the talking, he's the quiet one in the group, that is until he takes the stage to tear it down with his incredible talent who brings so much to the show each night. Great work last night Mark!!


A wonderful young lady name Kristen brought a batch of Biscuits & Gravy over to us BS&T boys and we ate every bit!! She and I struck up a conversation night before last about how we love southern food and it just so happened she had a SOUTHERN STYLE RESTAURANT here in Honolulu for a while. She surprised me when she came by between sets to deliver some good ole southern cooking. I'm very grateful for the kindness you showed to me and the other fellas Kristen and I'll always remember you and your generosity.


BS&T even got to add another gold record to our collection. The Blue Note had us sign this one for the wall of fame that is in the green room at the venue, I always wondered if I'd get another gold record during my tenure with BS&T... This will have to do for now I guess. What a kind gesture to have them add us to the wall with so many others artists who are legends. Thanks Blue Note!


My Brother from another Dylan Elise has been a blessing in my family's life and mine out here on the road. He is the best drummer that I've shared the stage with since Idol when Mr. Teddy Campbell was behind the kit tearing it up!! I love all my BS&T Brothers, But Ric, Dylan and I have a special bond and I hope our work relationship and brotherly bond lasts all my life. My Dad has always told me that "When you get older you'll be able to count your true friend on one hand and still have fingers left to use." I've filled up one hand already between Larry our manager, Dylan, Ric, and my close friend back in GA Tony Gilmore, John Beard & Don Muzquiz... See I'm starting to use my other hand now to count my true friends who help to keep me sane out here on the road and the few I have back home keeping me in line when I'm resting up for the next run. BO RIC

I'm a blessed man and I don't take it for granted. The kids are as excited about seeing Mr. Larry & Jo, "Superman" (Dylan) and "Crazy Uncle Ric" (Ric) as they are to see the old man next week at Disney, it doesn't bother me one bit! because I love these folks too and  It's hard to find (and keep) good friends you can trust in this BS filled business full of snake oil salesman that is the music/entertainment business. I've found that out the hard way by getting lied to, used and tossed out by so many other "FRIENDS", it just took taking off the blinders to get a better view of who to really trust and allow into my inner sanctum. I've found good friends now who don't want anything from me but friendship. And that is better than the Gold Records and tarnished trophies of my past. 

 Only 2 shows left tonight folks! Same place THE BLUE NOTE HONOLULU, same time 6:30pm/9pm and you don't want to miss them if you are in Honolulu. And if you've joined BS&T for any of the shows during this leg of our World Tour 2017 JAKARTA/AUSTRALIA/HAWAII please drop me an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and send some pics and comments on how you think the BS&T shows went, I'd love to get your feedback!

Peace, Love & Prayers to you all!





Maybe after this run of dates at The Blue Note Honolulu BS&T will get a STAR TABLE at one of these legendary venues around the world, NYC probably already has one at there's in Manhattan. I think it's great that these venues honor their legends with such a cool accolade, it shows the love that these venues share for the Jazz/Fusion/Rock artists who've made this genre' so popular over the decades. Very cool!


BS&T is a Brotherhood of musicians who all share a common love of music, performance and a respect for the music that this band has always stayed true to. The catalog of music is the star of the show, we are just the vessel for this iconic music and do our best every performance to stay true to the music that the fans have enjoyed for 50 years. The show is never the same, but the songs are always done the way you remember them, that's important when you're dealing with other individuals memories and experiences. These songs have a special place in our hearts as much as they do the fans in the audience, without my SPINNING WHEEL performance on Idol I'd have never scored the gig fronting this incredible band of musical brothers.


My pal Ric Fierabracci gets MVP for last nights performance of "SOMETIMES IN WINTER". He really does a wonderful rendition of this BS&T ballad and I was so glad he had the opportunity to share this song with the crowd last night in the second set. The audience always responds to this song whenever they hear the first few horn notes and they really love the way Ric sings this very technical hit BS&T tune that the longtime fans love us to play.


Yesterday was also our Brother Bill Churchville's Birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILL!!! He and I were dressed to the nines and ready to grind. I told him we look like Twins, I'll be DeVito and he could be Schwarzenegger... He's a great fella and I love sharing the stage with him and the rest of my BS&T BROTHERHOOD


Hawaii is my cup of tea folks... I LOVE THIS PLACE!! I can't wait to hit the stage again tonight at The Blue Note for 2 shows 6:30pm/9pm and if you are in Honolulu please join us for our last 2 nights of shows before we head home to our families for a few days and then hit the road again for SC & Disney. The Bice family has already headed down to FL and will hit Disney before I even get back from Hawaii... Guess they don't miss the old man all that much. That mouse has such power over these kids AND CAROLINE!!!! But it's always fun to visit Disney and perform there for the generations in the audience. Plus the mouse pays me instead of the other way around like usual. It's been a long 5 weeks away from home and I can't wait to see them all, even if I have to split my tome with Mickey & Minnie.


We've become a FACE-TIME FAMILY over the past several weeks I've been on the road with BS&T. As much as I miss them I know that the technology we have today gives me a way to stay present in their day to day lives and the going ons in each one of our kids lives. I always Face-time them before school and at night to say bedtime prayers, even if I have to set the alarm and wake up to do so. Caroline and those children are the light of my life and I'm grateful that we have the means to communicate day to day so they know how much Dad misses them and can't wait to share in the experiences in their lives although I'm on the other side of the planet and outta sight for so long.


It helps when you have friends out here on the road you can lean on like "CRAZY UNCLE RIC" (that's what the kids call him) to break up the monotony of Groundhog Day that we call work. I dig what I do for a living folks, but I LOVE MY FAMILY more than they'll ever know. Get ready kids because Dylan (SUPERMAN) and Crazy Uncle Ric will be with me when I hit Disney with the rest of our BS&T Brothers in a few days. Don't forget the sunblock!!



Looks like that early morning TV READY SOUNDCHECK was worth the while Peeps. BS&T had a packed house at THE BLUE NOTE HONOLULU last night and we enjoyed the love the audience gave back to us all. What a treat to perform at this venue, The Blue Note is legendary and to have performed my 1st one in Hawaii takes the pineapple cake. My BS&T Brothers were on point and let it all hang out last night for this crowd of locals, tourist, even an Alabama brother was front and center giving me a ROLL TIDE and a gift for my little hula girl Merrin (a shark tooth necklace) that I'm sure she will love.


Speaking of Hula Girls... This one had her eye on me all night long when I was back stage getting ready for the show. I told her at least a dozen times that I'm not just a married man, I'm happily married and I want to keep it that way!! But she just couldn't keep her eyes off of me the whole time I was warming up the ole vocal chords and sipping on my tea, Guess I've still got it!!!


When I got to the dressing room I wasn't sure if I needed to go ahead and steam my show clothes or take the boards out and catch a few waves. Since I've never set foot on a surfboard in my entire life and I'd probably drowned in the surf waters out back of "The Outriggers" at this time of night, I decided to go for the Surf & Turf instead of the Surf & Steam. Maybe tomorrow, or the next day, or the next even. Oh we'll be headed home after that so I'll give it a miss this trip. Next time I promise Blue Noters.


Then I turn around and this hits me in the face. PLEASE, NO SMOKING ALLOWED OF ANY KIND!! WHOE ME?? NEVER!! There must be some other hippies that played this joint and spark up more than a stogie or two in here before we arrived. BS&T are all good boys and would never do such a thing!!


But I must have gotten a residual contact buzz from hanging out in the dressing room to long folks, it was either that or someone slipped something into my teacup when I wasn't looking because that Hula Girl that kept staring at me ended up being a lamp!! All this time I just thought she was fashionable and liked to wear hats that make a statement. I've been on the road wayyyyy tooooo long this time folks. WAYYYY TOOO LOOONG.


The MVP of the night has got to be our Sax/Flute player Mr. Ken Gioffre. I've had the honor and privilege to share the stage with the best of the best over the past 13 years of my 25 year career in music, Rickey Minor and the American Idol Band, The "40 YEARS AGO TODAY BAND, and BS&T. Each person in this band of brothers are all more than talented and raise it to the next level each night we take to the stage to perform and I mean that with my heart and soul. But Ken was on FIRE last night!!! When he plays the solo in "I LOVE YOU MORE" it still brings chills to my skin even after 3+years of sharing the stage with him. When I come back on stage clapping and in full applause with the audience it's never part of the show or an act, it's very much genuine and VERY much deserved. So it's no wonder that at the end of the set an Encore is desired by the crowd.


Unfortunately we went over the time limit for the first show and to be honest we didn't understand what the audience was screaming at us until the second show that "HANA HOU" means "SO PLAY ON" or ENCORE!! The second show got just that a 2 song encore and they were still screaming Hana Hou!! I'm guessing by the reaction that we received from the crowd here at The Blue Note Honolulu that we were a hit and there will be more people at our shows over the next 3 nights. If you're in town and would like to enjoy a night of food, fun, music and a few of my extremely bad puns & jokes then please join us for our 6:30pm/9pm shows we have Fri/Sat/Sun before we head back to our families for 2 days off and then hit South Carolina on the 6th and Walt Disney for a week worth of shows 7th-10th of April in Florida. ALOHA & HANA HOU!!!